Author: Ezequiel de la Rosa

The World of Celia Ledon’s artful costume designs

We have taken the liberty of copying the definition of Industrial Design from the Industrial Designers Society of America website, along with quotes from professional individuals in the field, fully accrediting them for their insight as we introduce you to Celia Ledon, a celebrated Cuban Costume Designer forging global inroads in the realm of fashion sustainability. Industrial designers create and develop[…]

Lighting is everything

Quality light is crucial when photographing models and fashion so the outfits, makeup and skin tones look their best. Natural Light is ideal, and SYLVANIA Natural Series LED lighting is a gorgeous alternative because it duplicates Natural Light, thanks to TruWave Technology. Anyone who knows me knows how hard I work to get everything to[…]


is a world-renowned artist known for his celebrated portraits and illustrations in Film History and Politics as well as his “Girls,” the Super models. A true New Yorker, born in Brooklyn and raised is the South Bronx, his work affects a street-wise sensibility combined with a graphic sensibility that creates work that is visually stunning and unique. Alvaro’s[…]

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