is a world-renowned artist known for his celebrated portraits and illustrations in Film History and Politics as well as his “Girls,” the Super models. A true New Yorker, born in Brooklyn and raised is the South Bronx, his work affects a street-wise sensibility combined with a graphic sensibility that creates work that is visually stunning and unique.
Alvaro’s creative journey began in the South Bronx nurtured by his mother’s labor as a seamstress and also working in an art factory that published sketchbooks, which Alvaro filled with his imagination and love of art. His imagination was inspired by his father, a painter, musician and film editor who introduced him to Hollywood films which ignited Alvaro’s fascination with Hollywood’s Icons such as Garbo, Harlow, Elizabeth
Taylor and Marilyn Monroe to name a few.
And so began his obsession with fashion, culture, pop and surrealism all revolve around the female figure.
Alvaro’s educational journey began at the High School of Art and Design and culminated in his earning a degree from The Fashion Institute of Technology, where he pursued his dream of meeting and eventually working with his idol,
Antonio Lopez.